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Asia | 301 |
Map identification: | 301 | Projection system: | Lambert's equal-area |
Map coverage: | Eurasia | North boundary: | 40° 00' to 80° 00' N |
Image size (pixels): | 2,585 x 2,029 pixels | South boundary: | 10° 00' to 20° 00' N |
Image size (inches): | 8.62 x 6.76 inches | East boundary: | 160° 00' W to 160° 00' E |
Image size (metric): | 219 x 172 millimeters | West boundary: | 20° 00' W to 30° 00' E |
Resolution per pixel: | 5,700 meters | Horizontal scale: | 1:15,000,000 |
RGB file size: | 15.0 Mb | Vertical scale: | 1:820,833 |
CMYK file size: | 20.1 Mb | Vertical interval: | 250 meters |
Grayscale file size: | 5.0 Mb | Vertical exaggeration: | 18.3 times normal |
Countries, states and territories: |
Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, Cambodia, China, Georgia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgystan, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nagomo Karabakh, Nepal, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Saudia Arabia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen, |
Top left: Elevation low-contrast relief rendering Top right: Vegetation high-contrast relief rendering Middle left: Grayscale land-only relief rendering Middle right: Political low-contrast relief rendering Lower right: Geo-political vector Illustrator EPS maps Inventory of maps and masks within each map portfolio
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