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MOUNTAIN HIGH MAPS® 4.0 is a major upgrade of our MacUser Eddy Award winning professional mapmaking resource. These detailed and accurate relief views of the world's continents countries and ocean floors have an extensive range of applications: advertising, newspaper & television, publication & presentation, education & reference, multimedia, web & video use. MOUNTAIN HIGH MAPS® Version 4.0 comprises:
Mountain High Maps 7 versions of each map, 3 colorized - one political & two vegetation & elevation physical maps - and two base grayscale files, plus editable vector maps in Illustrator EPS.
Mountain High Maps Easier-to-use closed and pre-filled Illustrator and Photoshop paths - editable and selectable layers.
Mountain High Maps Over 16,000 updated place names, labeled physical features, rivers, lakes, cities, countries and mountains.
Mountain High Maps Wide selection of masks allows colorize or extract each country (states and provinces on some maps) and define
their borders, highlight coastlines and add dramatic 3-D effects with land mass, coastal shadows or vignette masks.
Mountain High Maps 7,500 map files with over 10 Gb of uncompressed files.
Mountain High Maps 54 stunning, high-res globe views (15 of which are fully colorized) showing land relief with land/ocean masks.
Mountain High Maps Between 100 and 1000 meters per pixel, 300 dpi resolution for high quality output and 72 dpi for Web use.
Reproduction rights granted with your purchase of MOUNTAIN HIGH MAPS® allow almost unlimited commercial use. MOUNTAIN HIGH MAPS® includes all the FRONTIERS Illustrator vector maps described below.
Product Information | Technical Specifications | Map Catalog | Contact us to Request Upgrade

1004 Complete EPS Illustrator geopolitical map + five corresponding JPEG relief maps World collection 78 $95
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mountain high maps MHM INDIVIDUAL MAPS JPEG & EPS V.4 mountain high maps mountain high maps
mountain high maps AFRICASelect from 8 Africa EPS Illustrator geopolitical map with five matching JPEG relief maps mountain high maps $19
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mountain high maps AMERICASelect from 16 America EPS Illustrator geopolitical map with five matching JPEG relief maps mountain high maps $19
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mountain high maps ASIASelect from 13 Asia EPS Illustrator geopolitical map with five matching JPEG relief maps mountain high maps $19
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mountain high maps AUSTRALIASelect from 4 Australia EPS Illustrator geopolitical map with five matching JPEG relief maps mountain high maps $19
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mountain high maps EUROPESelect from 23 Europe EPS Illustrator geopolitical map with five matching JPEG relief maps mountain high maps $19
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mountain high maps WORLDSelect from 14 world EPS Illustrator geopolitical map with five matching JPEG relief maps mountain high maps $19
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MOUNTAIN HIGH MAPS® - CONTINENTAL EDITIONS - Version 4.0 The unique MOUNTAIN HIGH MAPS® collection of relief maps is available as separate products for the designer who only requires a smaller selected group of Continental maps or World / Globe Views for Mac or Windows. The map specifications are identical as for the full Mountain High Maps Edition, including both bitmap JPEG and TIFF Photoshop images along with vector EPS and FreeHand files. All products include the Frontiers vector and paths material.

Continental Edition Content & Information | Technical Specifications | MHM Map Catalog

9119 AFRICAEPS Illustrator geopolitical map + five matching JPEG relief maps for all 8 Africa maps 8 $29
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9126 AMERICAEPS Illustrator geopolitical map + five matching JPEG relief maps for all 16 America maps 16 $29
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9133 ASIAEPS Illustrator geopolitical map + five matching JPEG relief maps for all 13 Asia maps 13 $29
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9140 AUSTRALIAEPS Illustrator geopolitical map + five matching JPEG relief maps for all 4 Australia maps 4 $29
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9157 EUROPEEPS Illustrator geopolitical map + five matching JPEG relief maps for all 23 Europe maps 23 $29
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9164 WORLD / OCEAN / POLAREPS Illustrator map + five matching JPEG relief maps for 14 maps 14 $29
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9171 GLOBE VIEWSJPEG relief images and masks for all Globe Views 8 $29
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MOUNTAIN HIGH MAP FRONTIERS Version 4.0 is a collection of high quality editable outline maps. This superb resource of 78 map views covers the world and consists of coastline, borders, rivers, city locations and longitude/latitude graticules to fit the MOUNTAIN HIGH MAPS® relief map images or can be used independently as a self-contained resource. Each map is available in three formats: Adobe Illustrator (EPS) AI 7 and CS 2, Photoshop Paths. Rights allow almost unlimited commercial use.

Product Information
Technical Specifications

mountain high maps MHM FRONTIERS ILLUSTRATOR EPS V.4 Maps Price Info
1023 Complete EPS Illustrator geopolitical map World collection 78 $39
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mountain high maps MHM INDIVIDUAL MAPS ILLUSTRATOR EPS V.4 mountain high maps mountain high maps
mountain high maps AFRICASelect from 8 Africa EPS Illustrator geopolitical maps mountain high maps $9
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mountain high maps AMERICASelect from 16 America EPS Illustrator geopolitical maps mountain high maps $9
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mountain high maps ASIASelect from 13 Asia EPS Illustrator geopolitical maps mountain high maps $9
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mountain high maps AUSTRALIASelect from 4 Australia EPS Illustrator geopolitical maps mountain high maps $9
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mountain high maps EUROPESelect from 23 Europe EPS Illustrator geopolitical maps mountain high maps $9
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mountain high maps WORLDSelect from 14 world EPS Illustrator geopolitical maps mountain high maps $9
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USA Relief

MOUNTAIN HIGH MAPS® USA RELIEF - Digital Topo and EPS Geo-Political Maps of the USA states.
MHM USA RELIEF is a set of 4 full color shaded relief maps and one grayscale relief map sized between 50-500 MB at 100 meter per pixel resolution. Any of the five interchangeable topographic base relief maps (high-contrast, low-contract, natural look, cartographic and grayscale styles) can be overlayed with an editable EPS vector data including coastlines, rivers, interstate / major roads, railroads, county, state and international borders, town locations, town names text and latitude/longitude grids.

MOUNTAIN HIGH MAPS® USA RELIEF 100 meter resolution JPEG Relief & EPS Geopolitical maps ordering options:
Product Information | Technical Specifications | USARelief Catalog

0779 Eastern USA collection of states EPS Illustrator geopolitical map with five matching JPEG relief maps 31 $49
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0786 Western USA collection of states EPS Illustrator geopolitical map with five matching JPEG relief maps 19 $49
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mountain high maps USA RELIEF INDIVIDUAL STATE MAPS JPEG & EPS V.4 Maps Price Info
mountain high maps ALABAMA-FLORIDA EPS Illustrator geopolitical map with five matching JPEG relief maps 1 $19
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mountain high maps GEORGIA-LOUISIANA EPS Illustrator geopolitical map with five matching JPEG relief maps 1 $19
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mountain high maps MAINE-NORTH DAKOTA EPS Illustrator geopolitical map with five matching JPEG relief maps 1 $19
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mountain high maps OHIO-SOUTH DAKOTA EPS Illustrator geopolitical map with five matching JPEG relief maps 1 $19
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mountain high maps TENNESSEE-WYOMING EPS Illustrator geopolitical map with five matching JPEG relief maps 1 $19
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mountain high maps USA RELIEF ALL STATE MAPS ILLUSTRATOR EPS V.4 Maps Price Info
0809 Complete EPS Illustrator geopolitical USA 50 State map collection 51 $29
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mountain high maps USA INDIVIDUAL STATE MAPS ILLUSTRATOR EPS V.4 Maps Price Info
mountain high maps ALABAMA-FLORIDA EPS Illustrator geopolitical map 1 $9
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mountain high maps GEORGIA-LOUISIANA EPS Illustrator geopolitical map 1 $9
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mountain high maps MAINE-NORTH DAKOTA EPS Illustrator geopolitical map 1 $9
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mountain high maps OHIO-SOUTH DAKOTA EPS Illustrator geopolitical map 1 $9
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mountain high maps TENNESSEE-WYOMING EPS Illustrator geopolitical map 1 $9
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CUSTOM MAPPING - Check for prompt quotes on any special map project or item not shown here!

EARTH IMAGES COLLECTION is a collection of 3D globe views and maps created from Planetary Visions Satellite Imagemap, a highly realistic image of the Earth's surface derived from thousands of Earth observation satellite images. Data from 3 satellite systems were combined with digital map and terrain data to produce the natural color Satellite Imagemap. Earth-Images comprises 8 variations of Globe Views - Clouds, Clear sky, Night Sky and Ocean floor texture, all with the optional white background or black background - 1,179 total images at 5,000 meters per pixel resolution. Also included a selection of world views focused on 3 different areas in 3 styles, and a collection of Continental Views taken from 6 locations in 3 styles each. For details see

0717 EARTH IMAGES COLLECTION World Satellite views - 1,000+ globe collection in JPEG format mountain high maps $19
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GLOBESHOTS® is a distinctive collection of high quality relief globe images with enhanced 3D effect. This superb resource of 100 high resolution (300 dpi) TIFF RGB colorized globes show the world in 5 general categories and 39 specific viewpoints - equatorial, polar, strategic, oceanic and continental. The Relief Globes are presented in a range of styles and colors, with and without cloud cover, with masks and artwork to reconfigure the globes with interchangeable foregrounds and backgrounds, including blends, halo and star effects. Masks are provided to remove the globes from their background and provide shading effects. To view the complete catalog of globes and review product information and licensing details see

0076 GLOBESHOTS Globe views - 100 globe collection in JPEG format mountain high maps $19
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EARTHSHOTS® is a distinctive library of full color World relief maps of our planet's continents and ocean floors. 250 world view variations featuring political and topographical themes including, climate, vegetation, living standards and population. EARTHSHOTS is suitable for paper or electronic media publishing applications, print, multimedia, broadcast and DTP map graphics. The image library is JPEG format, 14 Mb decompressed and 300 dpi.

0274 EARTHSHOTS World views - 250 map collection in JPEG format mountain high maps $19
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COOLMAPS® collection of 250 ready-to-use royalty-free world maps, each volume created specially by a team of graphic designers, featuring an imaginative array of dazzling and dramatic maps suitable for many media publishing applications. Rights allow almost unlimited commercial use. CoolMaps Overview and Product Information

0205 COOLMAPS WORLD EPS World views - 250 map collection in EPS format mountain high maps $19
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0212 COOLMAPS WORLD JPEG World views - 250 map collection in EPS format mountain high maps $19
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0298 COOLMAPS USA JPEG USA views - 250 map collection in JPEG format mountain high maps $19
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POWERPOINT MAPS Digital Wisdom’s collection of Mountain High Maps for PowerPoint® Presentations is available for Buy Now. Each set of maps is delivered as a Microsoft PowerPoint® PPT format file and can be easily and speedily edited within PowerPoint® application to create a map with a wide number of impressive variations to meet your presentation needs. Options are available for individual PPT maps, elevation relief, vegetation relief and political color fill versions, or a bundle of all three versions.
Product Information | Catalog | User Guide

0793 POWERPOINT MAPS 250 map collection in PPT format 20 $9
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MAP SYMBOLS The Digital Wisdom cartographic symbol library provide graphic artists and mapmakers with a complete, well-designed contemporary set of map symbols packaged into an Illustrator vector library covering most of the features that need symbolizing on a map. Each library contains point, line and area symbols (including colors and patterns) which are fully editable and scalable. The design of each and every symbol has been very carefully thought through to allow intuitive recognition of the main features of a map and use a minimal footprint to cut down on map clutter. These beautifully designed point, line and area symbols and color sets for Illustrator are compatible with their earlier versions wherever possible, but also recognizing that a higher level of cartographic presentation, quality and efficiency should be a key feature. This allows the definition of points and symbols to a higher level, depicting the purpose and function of a wide range of activities, specifically geared towards tourism, travel, orientation, navigation and entertainment. Product Information & Catalog

0830 MAP SYMBOLS 100 map symbol collection for Illustrator in EPS format mountain high maps $9
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FLAGS OF THE WORLD - Professional Quality Postscript National Flags contains over 375 editable full color EPS international flags representing countries and organizations, including Historic flags, old flag versions, Naval flags, Warning flags, International Numeral & Alphabet flags. Flags are high quality with the very latest national flag changes plus optional emblems - see for a complete list of the flags and a downloadable view catalog.

0441 FLAGS OF THE WORLD 375 editable full color ILLUSTRATOR EPS international flags mountain high maps $9
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US STATE FLAGS - US State Flags is an Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) collection of 50 full-color US State flags representing states throughout the US. US State Flags collection also contains additional flags, including 35 Current and Historical USA flags, and 7 District and Territory Flags. Each flag is full color and drawn to the highest detail to insure superior reproduction quality at large or small sizes. For full details see Macintosh and Windows files are provided in EPS format.

0366 US STATE FLAGS ILLUSTRATOR EPS collection of 50 full-color US State flags mountain high maps $9
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Digital Wisdom Inc.
USA & Canada orders: 800-800-8560 - International orders: 804-443-9000

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