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Europe | Brit. Isles | 516 |
Map identification: | 516 | Projection system: | Conical |
Map coverage: | England | North boundary: | 56° 00' N |
Image size (pixels): | 1,936 x 2,400 pixels | South boundary: | 49° 40' N |
Image size (inches): | 6.45 x 8.00 inches | East boundary: | 01° 50' E |
Image size (metric): | 164 x 203 millimeters | West boundary: | 06° 10' W |
Resolution per pixel: | 300 meters | Horizontal scale: | 1:1,000,000 |
RGB file size: | 13.2 Mb | Vertical scale: | 1:100,000 |
CMYK file size: | 17.7 Mb | Vertical interval: | 30 meters |
Grayscale file size: | 4.4 Mb | Vertical exaggeration: | 10.0 times normal |
Countries, states and territories: |
England, Scotland, Wales, |
Top left: Elevation low-contrast relief rendering Top right: Vegetation high-contrast relief rendering Middle left: Grayscale land-only relief rendering Middle right: Political low-contrast relief rendering Lower right: Geo-political vector Illustrator EPS maps Inventory of maps and masks within each map portfolio
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