Technical Specifications - COOLMAPS® USA VIEWS
unique collection of instant designer USA Views using a
wide variety of dramatic and special effects. To emphasize the images,
each USA View has been given a different designer theme, texture,
perspective or style. The views of the United States are dramatic, artsy maps that can be quickly transferred into
desktop design, publishing, presentation, draw, paint, or image
editing programs for professional-quality presentations.
Where previously the cost of a photo stock was expensive or not
appropriate for your project, you can now customize and liven up your
presentation or artwork with ready to use COOLMAPS® USA images. Competitively priced, USA Views are populary in advertising, promotional material, corporate presentations, multimedia and many other DTP applications.
COOLMAPS® USA is shipped as a hybrid collection, covering Windows and Macintosh users. Volume 2.2 Bitmap images can be opened by
applications that can import JPEG format files. The album pack includes collection of images, warranty and registration card, and license agreement.
Volume 2.2 USA Views Bitmap collection of 260 JPEG images are cataloged by design style (note that some images may be cataloged in two styles) as follows:
Maskable: Black & White 12; Blends 12; Outline 32; Flags 10; Technology 31; Art 15; Fabric 6; Metal 19; Paper 13; Stone 10; Textile 2; Wood 5; Regions 6; Time Zones 5; Water 3; Miscellaneous 13; Not maskable: States 20; Spheroids 16; Perspective 25; Backgrounds - Stars 9, Clouds 6, Sky 3, and Water 3.
Volume 2.2 Bitmap RGB images are sized at 3785 x 2418 pixels at 300 dpi resolution.
Image file sizes are designed with sufficient quality to support
page size output.
The 260-map USA Views collection can be delineated into two groups: 169 maskable USA plan views, and 91 not maskable oblique perspective or curvature views. The linear, maskable variety offers custom editing capabilities using Adobe Photoshop. You can remove or edit land and water areas with land/ocean masks that are provided. Using Photoshop channels, you can choose either the land or ocean portion of an image, and selects one or a combination of the provided masks - countries, states, rivers, latitude & longitude, cities, coastlines, oceans, and more.
Reproduction rights granted with your purchase of COOLMAPS®
USA allow internal use and, with free registration, almost unlimited
commercial use. The only restrictions we impose are that the
COOLMAPS® USA collection should not form part of another clip
art collection. To review a full copy of the CoolMaps USA license, check the CoolMaps License Agreement page.
Volume 2.2 USA Views - Bitmap COOLMAPS® - JPEG
file format - SKU: 606762-000298

Volume 1.1 World Views - Vector COOLMAPS® - EPS
file format - SKU: 606762-000205
Volume 1.2 World Views - Bitmap COOLMAPS® - JPEG file format - SKU: 606762-000212
Volume 1 World Views Combo - Vector & Bitmap COOLMAPS®Combo set - SKU: 606762-000298