Technical Specifications - COOLMAPS® WORLD VIEWS
unique collection of Instant Designer World Views using a
wide variety of dramatic and special effects. To emphasize the images,
each World View has been given a different designer theme, texture,
perspective or style. The views of the world give stunning and
significantly more dramatic maps and can be quickly loaded into
desktop design, publishing, presentation, draw, paint, or image
editing programs for the highest quality presentation.
Where previously the cost of a photo stock was expensive or not
appropriate for your project, you can now customize and liven up your
presentation or artwork with ready to use COOLMAPS® images. The
competitive pricing allows use in advertising, promotional material,
corporate presentations, multimedia and many other DTP applications.
COOLMAPS® is published on a hybrid format for Windows or Macintosh computers. Volume 1.1 Vector
images can be opened by any software package that can imports EPS
format files; Volume 1.2 Bitmap images can be opened by
applications that can import TIFF JPEG format files.
Volume 1.1 World Views Vector collection of 250 EPS images can
be cataloged by design style as follows: Bulge 10; Curve 29; Flat 5;
Globe 24; Perspective 54; Sketch 7; Swirl 17; Undulate 28; Vortex 15;
Warp 34; Wave 27;
Volume 1.2 World Views Bitmap collection of 250 TIFF JPEG
images are cataloged by design style as follows:
Monochrome 8; Blends 12; Flags 8; Outlines 15; Ovoids 11;
Perspective 20; Stars 12; America 22; CD discs 8; Fabrics 6;
Metals 19; Paper 18; Woods 8; Painted 24; and Texture 59;
The CD-ROM data occupies the full capacity of 650 Mbytes
divided for both platforms. Volume 1.1 Vector high resolution images
are supplied in EPS Illustrator 6.0 format, and range from 0.5 to 2.5
Mbytes file size with a number of layers that allow customization
using Adobe Illustrator. Volume 1.2 Bitmap
RGB images are sized at 2953 x 2002 pixels giving a 16.9 Mbytes
TIFF images compressed using JPEG to a disc file size of 0.5 to 3
Mbytes and decompress transparently into most applications.
Image file sizes are designed with sufficient quality to support page size output.
Reproduction rights granted with your purchase of COOLMAPS®
allow internal use and, with free registration, almost unlimited
commercial use. The only restrictions we impose are that the
COOLMAPS® collection should not form part of another clip
art collection. To review a full copy of the CoolMaps license, check the CoolMaps License Agreement page.
New to the COOLMAPS® collection, COOLMAPS® V. 2.2 USA Views offers a striking set of dramatic art special effects maps with the United States as a background. The collection boasts a whopping 260 maps, including 169 maskable varieties.
Volume 2.2 USA Views - Bitmap COOLMAPS® - JPEG file format - SKU: 606762-000298